Aries Gold Saint. The Aries Gold Saint in the 20th century guardian of the Temple of the White Ram Disciple and successor of Aries Shion and mentor to Kiki A calm young man whose serene exterior conceals prodigious strength Mu is also a man of many talents to the extent of being regarded as the most gifted Gold Saint in psychokinesis as well as a master in the arts of Cloth restoration.

Mu is the Gold Saint of Aries and as such guards the first of the twelve Zodiac temples of Sanctuary He is native to the Asian country of Jamir like his master Aries Shion who later became Grand.
Bandai Tamashii Nations Saint Cloth Myth EX Aries Shion
Gold Saint AriesGold Saint Aries Gold Saint AriesGold Saint Aries (Retiring Soon) Gold Saint AriesGold Saint Aries (Sold out) Gold Saint Aries.
Mu Gold Saint of Aries (Character) Comic Vine
Saint Seiya Mu trained to be a Saint in Jamir years before the birth of the modern Athena by the previous wielder of the Aries Gold Cloth Shion The cloth was likely kept in Sanctuary until a Saint worthy of wearing it was found Both Mu and Shion before him were capable of repairing Cloth.
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Aries Kiki Saint Knights Wikia Fandom
Gold Saint Aries
Aries Cloth Seiyapedia Fandom
Official Website of Aries Arise – Aries
Aries Mu Manga Wiki Fandom
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Aries Kiki Saint Fairy Pirates Wiki Fandom
130 results for aries gold
The Aries Saint is the Gold Saint of Aries who fought on the 16th century’s Holy War He is briefly mentioned in chapter 171 as one of the Gold Saints who got killed during the past Holy War Community content is available under CCBYSA unless otherwise noted.