Ayana Bot Music. FNF MEEMEE is a mod created by Zigs and HarveyTheMemus The character that you fight against is Daddy Dearest Daddy Dearest pisses off Boyfriend and started an epic meme battle That’s literally it What did you expect? It’s called FNF MEEMEE Zig did all of the coding Zig hates dialogue HarveyTheMemus drew the icons for the credits HarveyTheMemus made this page.

Ayana | Multipurpose High Quality Discord Music Bot Ayana Powerful Multipurpose Music Bot for Discord High Quality Music Moderation and Utilities ayanaio ※ [ ]는 생략 해도 되는 부분입니다 커맨드 =m j[oin] 아야나를 현재 음성 채널로 초대 =m p[lay] 노래 재생 =m q[ueue] 노래 리스트 확인 =m v[olume] 재생.
디스코드 노래봇 아야나봇(Ayana bot) 초대 및 명령어 모음집
Ayana Bot For Discord Has An Ad On Its Website Promoting Slack Heh Ironic Discordapp
FNF MEEMEE Funkipedia Mods Wiki Fandom