Chic N Chiz. Chic 'n Chiz & Camote Top Juice 359 likes Welcome to Chic 'n Chiz & Camote Top Juice page!!! Please like our page and experience the unforgettable taste and healthy benefits of our products!!!.

Chiz n Chic sebuah restoran tempat dengan menu stik ayam spesial yang kebetulan berada di daerah yang deketan sama Binus Gue mampir ke sini sekalian untuk makan setelah capek dengan kegiatan kampus Menu yang gue pesan adalah Hot Chic Mozarella seharga 32k Menurut gue harga segitu udah murah untuk porsi sebanyak ini dan rasa seenak ini 4/5 (32)Cuisine BaratAccepted Payment TunaiDebetOpening Hours SeninMinggu (09002200).
Ciz n Chic
Ciz n Chic makanannya enak harganya bersahabat Pokoknya makan di Ciz n Chic pasti kenyang! Chic fingernya recommended! apalagi dikombinasiin sama saus barbequenya chiz n chicmak nyuss! Keju yang meleleh dari potongan cordon bleunya bikin citarasanya makin mantep loh! Western food yang enak dengan harganya terjangkau!.
Chic 'n Chiz & Camote Top Juice Home Facebook
Chic 'n Chiz & Camote Top Juice 358 likes Welcome to Chic 'n Chiz & Camote Top Juice page!!! Please like our page and experience the unforgettable taste and healthy benefits of our products!!!.
chic n chiz ( Instagram photos and videos
141 Followers 192 Following 27 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from chic n chiz (@chicnchizid).
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Ciz n Chic, Palmerah Lengkap: Menu terbaru, jam buka & no
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Ciz n Chic
Chic ala Ciz n Chic Saute chic fillet with Ciz n Chic cheese sauce and sliced onion served with fries Beef Stroganoff Saute beef finger with creamy mushroom sauce and sliced onion served with rice Chic Black Pepper Saute chic fillet with onion and or.