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COMP PhD student won in the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2021 Under the supervision of Prof Song Guo Professor of COMP our PhD student Jackal Xu Zhenda received the Student Innovation (Tertiary or above) Gold Award and Student Innovation Grand Award with his project “Dr BodyScan” at the presentation ceremony of the Hong Kong Information and Communications.
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On October 5 2020 Omega celebrated the 50 years since it received the Silver Snoopy Award with the introduction of the Speedmaster Silver Snoopy Award 50th Anniversary This watch is in regular series production and uses the CoAxial Master Chronometer caliber 3861 Thanks to its new technology this model had a higher list price of 9600 USD.
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Major Awards ACM Fellow (Awarded in 2020) SIGMOD Research Highlight Award 2018 PODS Best Paper Award 2018 Google Faculty Research Award (2016) ACM Distinguished Scientist (Awarded in 2016) SIGMOD Best Paper Award 2015 SIGMOD Best Paper Award 2013 Hong Kong Young Scientist Award 2002 Notes to Collaboration Requests I value healthy collaborations.
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Jean Piaget (18961980) was a renowned psychologist of the 20th century and a pioneer in developmental child psychology Piaget did not accept the prevailing theory that knowledge was innate or a priori Instead he believed a child’s knowledge and understanding of the world developed over time through the child’s interaction with the world empirically His.