How To Open 3Dm File In Sketchup. The file format is open and has been adopted by other 3D graphics application vendors Technical details The OBJ file format is a simple data format that represents 3D geometry alone — namely the position of each vertex the UV position of each texture coordinate vertex vertex normals and the faces that make each polygon defined as a list of vertices and texture vertices.

If the input file contains solid and / or NURBSdata in the target file is also planned or solidus surface the conversion will be either lossless or with minimal distortion (usually due to the rounding up of decimal values) The complexity of the conversion MEDIUM Name SolidWorks Part File AutoCAD Drawing File extensionsldprt dwg Original software SolidWorks.
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The Rhinoceros file format (3DM) is useful for the exchange of NURBS geometry The Rhino developers started the openNURBS Initiative to provide computer graphics software developers the tools to accurately transfer 3D geometry between applications An opensource toolkit openNURBS includes the 3DM file format specification documentation C++ source code.
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Some plugins for SketchUp allow importing of 3Ds Max obj files to the program so you can work with them and potentially save them to other formatsWithout a plugin you are unable to successfully import OBJ files One of these plugins that add support for OBJ files is called Import OBJ with Materials During importing you can also choose the option to import without.
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The most obvious choice for skp to dwg conversion ie SketchUp to AutoCAD conversion would be of course to SketchUp as it has support export to 2D (DWG/DXF) This can be achieved through the File Export 2D Graphics function found in the program The result is a 2D vector file in dwg format (version 13 or 14) that you can open in any CAD program.