Integritas Data. Maintaining and ensuring the integrity of data is very important and is the essential information or asset of the company Data is helpful in many ways and is helpful to boost company revenue The success of the company is based on the quality of data integrity Data integrity is the consistency and accuracy of data stored in the company’s database.

Integritas data adalah akurasi dan kebenaran data artinya kita memastikan bahwa data yang berada di basis data telah sesuai dengan fakta dari dunia nyata “Mengapa data perlu integritas ?” Integritas data diperlukan untuk menjaga halhal seperti dibawah ini NIM tidak boleh kosong UMUR harus antara 0 – 120 dst.
Data integrity is the overall accuracy completeness and consistency of data Data integrity also refers to the safety of data in regard to regulatory compliance — such as GDPR compliance — and security It is maintained by a collection of processes rules and standards implemented during the design phase Missing integritasMust include.
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Integritas Data Dalam Basis Data Love Story
Mengulas Keamanan Integritas Data dan Pencadangan Data – Integritas data berarti bahwa kumpulan data yang diberikan akurat lengkap konsisten tidak berubah (asli atau salinan asli) dan dapat dipercaya sepanjang siklus hidupnya yang dipastikan melalui kombinasi proses aturan dan standar.
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