Jurnal Budaya. Jurnal Pustaka Budaya is published by the Faculty of Cultural Sciences Lancang Kuning University Pekanbaru This journal contains scientific articles relating to library science and culture The publication of this journal departs from the idea of participating in recording and documenting the results of research in the context of preserving national culture Subjects.

WAWASAN Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya is a peerreviewed journal dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of scholarly research on Religious and sociocultural studiesParticular attention is paid to works dealing with Religious studies using an interdisciplinary perspective especially within Islamic Theology and its related teachings.
LOBO – Jurnal Ilmu Sosial tentang Sulawesi Tengah
Redaksi SUWA Jurnal Sejarah dan Nilai Budaya Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Aceh Jl Twk Hasyim Banta Muda No 17 Mulia Kec Kuta Alam Kota Banda Aceh Aceh 23123 Telp/ fax 0651 23226 email jurnalsuwa@kemdikbudgoid Jurnal Suwa is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike 40 International License.
Jurnal Pustaka Budaya Google Cendekia
Jurnal Ilmiah Sabtu 28 Desember 2013 Perkembangan Kebudayaan Oleh Muhammad Firdaus Immas Jurusan Teknologi Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Semarang firdausimmas@gmailcom Abstrak Keselarasan hubungan manusia dengan lingkungan fisik bukan hanya akan dapat dipakai untuk mengembangkan daya dukung alam tetapi juga dapat.
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“Ketika Tulang Tertinggal” Kajian Budaya Material Sulawesi Tengah Buku di Perpustakaan David Henley KESUBURAN MAKANAN DAN DEMAM PENDUDUK EKONOMI DAN LINGKUNGAN DI SULAWESI UTARA DAN TENGAH 16001930 YCAR York University Toronto ON Jurnal dan Situs ini dilisensikan di bawah Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercialSharealike 40.
Vol 4 No 2 2011
Ilmu Budaya: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni dan Budaya
Jurnal – LOBO
Jurnal Masyarakat dan Budaya
UM Jurnal Sejarah, Budaya, dan Pengajarannya
PDF Jurnal Budaya eBook Download Full – eBook Makes
Suwa: Jurnal Sejarah & Nilai Budaya Kemdikbud
Globalisasi dan Perubahan Universitas Indonesia Budaya
Haluan Sastra Budaya jurnal.uns.ac.id
Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Neliti
Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya encompasses various concept ideas phenomena and analyses related to the topics of arts Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya is intended to spread information on arts and culture therefore we may obtain and acquire manythings related to arts and their problems from it PISSN 08543461.