Kode Ussd. Kode USSD itu digunakan saat ingin menjawab telepon dan mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor kedua Ada lagi saat luang tidak ingin menjawab telepon tapi ingin mengalihkan panggilan bisa masukan kode USSD lainnya Masukkan kode **61*nomor hape kedua# (**61*081234567890#).

The use of USSD service is practical and fundamental while offering a channel of communication The code allows user to access or confirm services through dialling of the shortcode USSD code is essential in this modernday technology for simplicity and flexibility of service that can be enabled via it.
10 Useful USSD Codes for Android Phone Owners
USSD codes are very handy to get some information from phone device SIM Card or from Celleuler / Mobile Network Here we are giving you USSD codes that gives information about your phone device Author Ali Mahdavi.
What Is a USSD Code?
Unstructured Supplementary Service Data ( USSD ) sometimes referred to as ” quick codes ” or ” feature codes ” is a communications protocol used by GSM cellular telephones to communicate with the mobile network operator 's computers USSD can be used for WAP browsing prepaid callback service mobilemoney services locationbased content.
Terbongkar Sudah Kode Mendapat Pulsa Gratis Freee Trik Pulsa Gratis Part01 Youtube
What Is USSD Code – All You Should Know About USSD
Unstructured Supplementary Service Data Wikipedia
Banyak yang Tak USSD Telepon yang Perlu Dikenali Tahu, Ini Kode
Let’s start by stating that USSD stands for Unstructured Supplementary Service Data To understand what it is think that this code works similarly to a text message An SMS (Short Message Service) delivers a message to a receiver (a person) and then that person can send a message back The USSD sends a message but will not be received by a person It will open an interactive menu that.