Konversi Kpa Ke Psi. OverviewGauge PressureAtmospheric PressurePressure SuitsHydrostatic PressurePressure in GeologyPressure is defined as force per unit of area If the same force is applied to two areas a smaller and a larger one the pressure would be greater for the smaller area You will probably agree that it is less scary to be stepped on by someone wearing running shoes than by someone wearing stilettos For example if you try pushing a sharp knife down through a carrot or a tomato you will cut it The area where the force is applied is small so the pressure is high enough to cut through the object If on the other hand you use a blunt knife you will not be able to cut through because the area is greater and the pressure is lower as a result The SI unit for pressure is the pascal which is a newton per square meter In some cases pressure of gases is measured as the difference between the total or absolute pressure and the atmospheric pressure This is known as gauge pressure and it is the pressure measured when determining the air pressure in car tires Measuring devices often show gauge pressure although absolute pressure sensors are also in use Atmospheric or air pressure is the pressure of air in a given environment It usually refers to the weight of the column of atmospheric air above the unit surface area Atmospheric pressure affects weather and temperature Considerable changes in the atmospheric pressure cause discomfort for people and animals The decrease in atmospheric pressure can cause psychological and physical discomfort for people and animals or even death For this reason airplane cabins which would otherwise experience low air pressure at cruising heights are artificially pressurized Atmospheric pressure decreases with the increase in altitude People and animals who live at high altitudes for example in the Himalayas adapt to the low pressure Travelers on the other hand often need to take precautionary measures to avoid discomfort Some people such as mountaineers are affected by altitude sickness caused by oxygen deficiency in the blood This condition can become chronic with prolonged expo Astronauts and pilots who have to work at high altitudes use pressure suits to compensate for the low air pressure Fullpressure suits are used in space while partialpressure suits which provide counterpressure and assist breathing at high altitudes are used by pilots Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure of fluid caused by the force of gravity It is an important factor not only in engineering and physics but also in medicine For example blood pressure is the hydrostatic pressure of blood on the blood vessel walls It usually refers to arterial pressure and is represented by two numbers systolic or maximum pressure and diastolic or minimum pressure during a heartbeat The instrument used to measure blood pressure is called a sphygmomanometer Millimeters of mercury are used as units for blood pressure measurements even in countries like the USA and the UK where inches are used for measuring length A Pythagorean cup is an interesting device which uses the principles of hydrostatic pressure According to legend it was designed by Pythagoras to moderate wine drinking Other sources mention that this cup was meant to regulate the drinking of water during a drought It usually has a stem and always has a dome inside of it which allows liquid Pressure is a critical element in geology The formation of gemstones requires pressure both for the natural and laboratorymade synthetic gemstones Crude oil is also formed by intense pressure and heat from remnants of plants and animals In contrast to gemstones which mostly form in rock formations oil is generally formed in the beds of water such as rivers and seas Organic material is covered with sand and silt which gradually accumulates above it The weight of the water above and the sand exert pressure With time these materials are buried deeper and deeper and reach several kilometers below the Earth's surface As the temperature increases by about 25 °C per each kilometer below the surface it reaches 5080 °C at these depths Depending on the total temperature and temperature fluctuation gas may be created instead of oil.

Melihat konverter kPa ke psi Anda akan melihat bahwa kami memasukkan nilai 350 kPa yang memberi kami jawaban 50763 psi yang dibulatkan dari 507632 psi Itulah jawaban untuk 馶 kPa to psi' 350 kilopascal sama dengan 507632 pon per inci persegi.
Mengonversi 350 kPa ke psi (Kalkulator Konversi Tekanan)
Anda memiliki dua opsi konversi untuk mengonversi kilopascal (kPa) ke pound per inci persegi (psi) Opsi pertama adalah membagi kPa dengan 68947572932 yang merupakan jumlah kPa dalam satu psi Opsi kedua adalah mengalikan kPa dengan 01450377377.
Convert kPa to PSI Conversion of Measurement Units
1 pascal is equal to 0001 kPa or 000014503773800722 PSI Note that rounding errors may occur so always check the results Use this page to learn how to convert between kilopascals and pounds/square inch Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! ›› Quick conversion chart of kPa to PSI 1 kPa to PSI = 014504 PSI.
How To Convert Kg Cm2 To Kilo Pascal Pressure Converter Youtube
Mengonversi kilopascal [kPa] psi [psi] Pressure, Stress
+ Kalkulator Gratis) 2100 kPa ke psi (Jawaban Konversi
Converter kpa Unit Convert psi to
Instant free online tool for psi to kilopascal conversion or vice versa The psi [psi] to kilopascal [kPa] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed Also explore tools to convert psi or kilopascal to other pressure units or learn more about pressure conversions.