Lords Mobile Anti Scout. Lords Mobile randomly assigns Kingdoms to fight against each other The winning Kingdom wins Gem Load Tiles During KVK you can travel between the Kingdoms at the same cost as traveling within your own kingdom You won’t need a Migration Scroll There are a bunch of potential primary objectives during KVK Killing enemy soldiers and traps.

8 rowsThe AntiScout prevents enemies from compiling information about your Turf There are are 4hour UNIQUE ARCHAIC TOME • BOOKMARK SPACE Archaic Tome • Bookmark Space Resource Food ( Boost) • Stone ( Boost) Food ( Boost) • Stone ( Boost) Speed Up Speed Up ( Research • Healing Speed Up ( Research • Healing Combat Shield ( Maintenance) • AntiS Shield ( Maintenance) • AntiS Chest Chest • Hero Chest • Material.
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Attacking 101 in Lords Mobile SASSYBELLA.com
What’s up everyone! Today I am attacking anti scout targets in Lords Mobile! It’s always risky because you don’t know if it’s a rally trap or what type of t.
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Complete Darknest Guide for Lords Mobile
Darknests Lords Mobile
If you encounter Darknests with AntiScout active try guessing the troop types from the Darknest Leader and send out the troop type that counters it The first thing of note on the scouting report is the Dark Essence level as this determines the difficulty level of the Darknest (Dark Essence level is the most important factor not troop quantity or type).