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Motorola Radius M1225 Programming Software How to program the Motorola CP200 two way radio TwoWayDirectcom 8887425893 The genuine Motorola Radius GP300 Programming Software is available to download from our website Supported Operating Systems The Motorola Radius GP300 was designed to be programmed using MS DOS.
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Motorola Radius GP300 Programming Software Radiotronics
I joined the Radio Doctor Yahoo Group and downloaded the Radio Doctor software from the files section of the Yahoo Group I also ordered from eBay a “3 IN 1 Programming Cable” which is an RPCM300 or a clone of that unit (see photos below to find a similar unit) which had the RJ45 Crystal plug or whatever Motorola calls their RJ45 connector on the GM300 radio.
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Motorola Gm300 Programming Software Windows 7
Motorola Gm300 Programming Software Windows 7
Motorola Radius Gm300 Radio Doctor Download Average ratng 57/10 8718reviews Programming / Service software for the Motorola Radius GM300 It has been pointed out to me that this software only works with the GM300 so I have adjusted the page After searching for the genuine Motorola program I came across Motorola Radius GM300 Radio Doctor.