Rok Sun Tzu. Sun Tzu Summary Fanshaped area damage Max 5 targets Very versatile Boost active skill damage by 20% Excellent when using with high damage nukers Reduce enemy damage on the openfield by 10% Reduce enemy defense by 17% when he is used as a garrison commander Increase Infantry HP +10% 38/5 (33).

Sun Tzu Guide Sun Tzu is by far the best epic commander in Rise of Kingdoms and he will stay like that for a long time Sun Tzu is a rage generating machine His main skill Art of War can hit 5 targets at the same time For every unit that he hits with art of war he will receive 50 rage points 43/5 (14).
Rise of Kingdoms Rok.Guide
SkillsRecommended RolesLevelling and Skill Up PrioritiesPairingsTalent Tree BuildsComments Comments Comments Comments Comments If some of the skill terms are unclear I have a list of the main combat variablesRemove Mixed Troops 1 AOE Nuker (P/S) Pure Archers 1 AOE Nuker (p/S) Pure Cavalry 1 AOE Nuker (p/S) Pure Infantry 1 Meatshield (p/S) Garrison (P/S) Positions Key AOE Nuker/Garrison 1 Keep at 1 star until the 1st skill is maxed 2 Then upgrade him to 4 stars and max out his skills 3 Once you hit 4 stars you can stop levelling Sun if you only plan to use him as a secondary If he is a primary continue leveling as far as your purposes require Meatshield 1 Keep at 1 star until the 1st skill is maxed 2 Upgrade to 3 stars and max the 3rd skill (not necessary to max 2nd skill) 3 Then upgrade him to 4 stars and max out his skills 4 Once you hit 4 stars you can stop levelling Sun if you only plan to use him as a secondary If he is a primary continue leveling as far as your purposes require Have you ever wanted to play Rise of Kingdoms on your computer? BlueStacks is the emulator of choicefor over 500000 RoK players AOE Nuker Yi + Sun Pure Archers or Mixed Troops This pairing has the second highest AOE damage potential behind Yi + Mehmed It doesn’t have much tanking ability though so try avoid being targeted directly This doesn’t sit will with it being a high priority target for everyone else Mehmed + Sun Mixed Troops Pure Archers or Pure Cavalry Another high damage potential AOE nuking pair for group battles Similarly poor at tanking/high priority for enemies Kusunoki + Sun Pure Archers or Mixed Troops A s Garrison Works with a wide variety of other commanders Both nukers and tanking commanders like Richard pair well here I have yet to look into talent trees in any real depth So until I do Legend Rhonyhas been kind enough to give me permission to use his diagrams 85/10.
Best Sun Tzu Commander Guide: Skills, Talent Builds, Pairs
In terms of fighting you have to keep up not the troops of your only but the RPG commanders as well For instance Joan of Arc & Sun Tzu All these come with their personal skill trees Plus you are able to have plenty of them at the same time which command the troops at the various sections of your map.
Sun Tzu Everything RoK
The next pairing that is most commonly used is Sun Tzu and Richard Sun Tzu is another one of the most famous nuking commanders in Rise of kingdoms He can damage a maximum of 5 targets through his active skill With the help of his classic active skill he can restore rage Richard and Sun Tzu make a great pair also because Richard doesn’t 41/5 (23).
Sun Tzu Talent Tree Riseofkingdoms
Ultimate ROK commander pairings list Rise Of kingdoms
2022 Rise Sun Tzu Talent Tree And Pairs of Kingdoms Guides
ROK Sun Tzu Best Talent Tree, Commander Pairings And
Sun Tzu Guide & Talent Tree Builds Rise of Kingdoms
As per the structure garrisoning (flags/fortress/pass) leave to the whales with the maxed legendary commander Sun Tzu isn’t a good option Rise of kingdoms(ROK) – passport requirements and migration guide Sun Tzu Commander Pairings Sun Tzu can be used as both primary and secondary commander Here are a few pairing options for him.