Sio 2021. SIO is the premier multidisciplinary professional organization for integrative oncology A 501(c)(3) notforprofit organization SIO enables communication education and research to occur by bringing together practitioners from multiple disciplines focused on the care of cancer patients and survivors.
Sio Central Sio Meets from Society of Interventional Oncology
2001 K Street NW 3rd Floor North Washington DC 20006 USA +12023671164 info@siocentralorg.
Society for Integrative Oncology SIO 2021 International
Click to Unmute This opens in a new window Videomessage by Prof Piero Nicolai AUORL President 29th of April 2021 Prof Gaetano Paludetti Presidente SIOeChCF from Nord Est Congressi on Vimeo LIVE 0 0000 0150 Due to the ongoing sanitary emergency and the resulting ban SCIENTIFIC FORMAT Due to the ongoing sanitary emergency and Registration for the Congress online Due to the ongoing Societá Italiana di Otorinolaringologia e Chirurgia.
SIO 2021 International Conference Society for Integrative
SIO 2021 Varian’s Interventional Solutions welcomes all attendees to SIO 2021 We invite you to explore our expanded offerings in multidisciplinary cancer care that are built to help you provide more personalized and precise patientfocused care.
Posters – SIO 2021
SIO is the premier multidisciplinary professional organization for integrative oncology A 501(c)(3) notforprofit organization SIO enables communication education and research to occur by bringing together practitioners from multiple disciplines focused on the care of cancer patients and survivors.
Sio Central Sio Meets
SIO 2021 Varian
107° Congresso Nazionale SIO 2021 –
SIO Central : IOCentral: Connecting the Interventional
The Poster must be provided in pdf format size of 1080c1920 at least 150dpi Together with the Poster the First Author must provide a highquality image that will serve as a reference to the Poster itself The files must be sent to the Congress Organizers ( abstracts@nordestcongressiit) not later than 28 th February 2021.