Snow Bengal. The snow Bengal cat is a manmade cat breed that was created by crossing gene pools in breeding programs An interesting aspect of snow Bengal cat genetics is that their genes are recessive Recessive alleles need TWO copies to be “seen” .

Snow Bengals first came into being after a Siamese cat was introduced into a Bengal breeding program It’s from the Siamese that the original snow Bengal cats acquired their white or light brown base fur colour In order to understand further how snow Bengals today were bred into existence we need to delve briefly into genetics.
Telephone 01775 769235 Text/WhatsApp/Mobile 07904588038 mailtoFairysnowbengals@gmailcom Hi I’m Cathy and I’m a Bengal addict! Qualified microchip implanter with Petid and the College Of Animal Welfare since 12th July 2005 You are visitor number 11723.
9 Bengal Cat Colors & Patterns (with Pictures) Excited Cats
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Fairysnow Bengals
Brown Bengal Cat Brown Bengals are one of the most popular varieties and can be found inSilver Bengal Cat Silver Bengals have an almost pure white base coat that can vary fromSnow Bengal Cat The Snow Bengal comes in three different variations and contrary to theirCharcoal Bengal Cat This color variant is more of an additional masking layer than aBlue Bengal Cat Blue Bengal variants are rare and thus these unusual cats are highly prizedBlack or Melanistic Bengal Cat These prized cats are revered for their resemblance to blackSpotted Bengal Cat A spotted Bengal is the most popular and most recognizable patternMarbled Bengal Cat The marbled pattern is a series of swirls and stripes that intermingle inSparbled Bengal Cat A sparbled coat is the meeting of spotted and marbled varieties.
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What Are Snow (white) Bengal Cats? Bengal Cat Republic
Snow Bengals are highly popular in cat shows and can be shown in the tabby division by their color and pattern Snow Bengals are a very valuable part of the Bengal cat breed and are beloved by many for their classic beauty and timeless elegance.