Trek Project One. “Project Daedalus” Jonathan Frakes Michelle Paradise March 14 2019 () Starfleet Additionally some season one sets were repurposed for the second season with Lorca’s season one ready room becoming a new science lab for Burnham in the second season John Eaves and Scott Schneider designers of the starships for the series were required to redesign the USS.
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Project Gorgon is a new Massively Multiplayer Online Game ‘MMORPG’ brought to you by Elder Game Studios Elder Game Studios is led by husband and wife duo Eric Heimburg and Sandra Powers Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer Developer Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2 Star Trek Online.
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Star Trek Continues is an American fanmade web series set in the Star Trek universe Produced by the nonprofit charity Trek Continues Inc and Dracogen and initially coproduced by Far from Home LLC and Farragut Films the series consists of.
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