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Now anywhere that you have access to internet service you can watch our Sunday worship services streamed “live” from our Sanctuary at 945 am (traditional service) and 1115 am (modern service).
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Christ Church is a United Methodist church in the St Matthews neighborhood of Louisville KY pursuing a mission of becoming living proof of God’s love one person at a time.
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St Mark’s UMC is a welcoming faith community that embraces ALL people We invite you to be part of an exciting and growing congregation that takes seriously its mission statement to “change the world through Christ by caring for all people” Here you will discover that you are affirmed for who you are loved and cherished by a God who created you Welcome home.
St. Mark's UMC
Welcome to Central United Methodist Church! We are so excited that you are visiting us and have taken the first step into learning more about Central Rogers! Central is full of people who are committed to fulfilling our mission to Connect People to Christ It’s a family where you can find hope love and an abundance of grace Our vision is to be a community of faith that loves God.
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Our Cross Our Logo – The Symbolism in our Logo November 18 2019 New Grow Group for the New Year Receiving His Life Discipling is a program designed to guide believers to fully rely on the January 3 2022 Simpsonwood UMC at work in Peachtree Corners Friends our church sits in a unique neighborhood here in Peachtree Corners This small January 3 2022.